
Ancestors: The Humankind Odyssey til PC

CD Keys

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kr 134.95

This is a digital product. The code will be sent by email. You may receive more than one code for some products.
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Sprog: Multilanguage

Platform: Steam

Region: Worldwide

Vi har nogle af de billigste ANCESTORS: THE HUMANKIND ODYSSEY til PC koder på markedet. Vores priser er billige fordi vi køber digitale koder i store mængder til nedsatte priser, som vi igen videresælger til vores kunder. Udover at vi er billig, kan du også være sikker på, at vores koder er 100% lovlige, da vi kun køber hos officielle leverandører.

Når du har købt, vil vi sende dig ANCESTORS: THE HUMANKIND ODYSSEY til PC den digitale kode øjeblikkeligt og direkte til din e-mailadresse. (forudbestilling af produkter leveres før eller på den nævnte udgivelsesdato.)

Vores Live Chat (24/7) og fremragende kundesupport er altid til rådighed, hvis du har problemer eller spørgsmål vedrørende ANCESTORS: THE HUMANKIND ODYSSEY til PC kode.

Vores nemme 3-trins købssystem indeholder ingen irriterende formularer, vi kræver kun en e-mailadresse og en gyldig betalingsmetode, hvilket gør processen med at købe ANCESTORS: THE HUMANKIND ODYSSEY til PC fra hurtig og nemt.


Minimum ANCESTORS: THE HUMANKIND ODYSSEY system systemkrav til PC

OS: Win 7 64

Processor: Intel Core i5-2500K 3.3GHz / AMD Phenom II X6 1100T

Graphics: AMD Radeon HD 7950 or NVIDIA GeForce GTX 760


System Memory: 8 GB RAM

Storage: 40 GB Hard drive space

DirectX 11 Compatible Graphics Card

Info and Instructions

How to buy Ancestors: The Humankind Odyssey til PC? makes buying Ancestors: The Humankind Odyssey til PC as easy as pie! All you need to do is fill in your email address, pick a payment method, complete the payment and voila! The code is yours.

Why buy from us?

  • We have some of the country’s cheapest digital codes.
  • Our digital codes are 100% authentic as they are sourced from official suppliers.
  • Multiple payment methods
  • Round-the-clock customer support in case you encounter problems or have any questions regarding our products.
  • We email you your codes instantly upon purchase.
  • Pre-Order products will be delivered before or on the release date mentioned, while items in-stock will be delivered instantly pending security checks.
  • Purchases considered to be for commercial use will not be accepted.
  • You are buying a digital product only.
  • For more information please check out our FAQs.
  • If you experience any problem with a purchase, please notify us using our Contact Us form.
  • These downloadable codes are produced by the game's developer and are therefore original.
  • These codes have no expiry date.
  • Downloadable Content or DLC products - You must have the original game in-order to play this expansion.
  • You may receive more than one code for some products.
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